Cattle Services
Preventive and general care for dairy cows.
We offer the following services for dairy cows:
- Ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis and fetal sexing
- Set up, implementation, and performance review of breeding programs
- Milk quality programs
- Vaccination protocol setup and implementation
- Herd regulatory testing of cattle (TB, Brucellosis, Johnes)
- Milking parlor system and procedure analysis
- In house milk culturing lab for mastitis pathogen id
- Anaerobic Mycoplasma culturing
- Dairy records analysis with Dairy Comp 305
- Calf health and productivity analysis
- Dairy facility planning
- Ventilation analysis and planning
- Employee training
- Sick Animal/Emergency Service
Down Cow Services
We are equipped with specialized equipment and facilities that allow us to provide superior care for down cows. We currently have 4 Aqua-Cow float tanks that allow us to provide the proper supportive care to return these cows to the productive herd in a timely fashion.
Floating takes advantage of the cow's natural buoyancy and reduces the effort needed for a sick or injured cow to rise. By enabling the cow to stand, serious muscle damage can be avoided and many cows that would otherwise need to be euthanized can go on to have productive lactations.
**Calling to have your cow floated early (within the first 6-8 hours of being down) will have the best success rate. If you suspect an injury we recommend having a veterinarian check for potential broken bones or stifle ruptures prior to cow pickup.
Cattle are examined on the farm to identify the presence of injuries, gain a treatment history, and obtain blood samples that will be analyzed in our in-house diagnostic lab. If specific treatments are indicated, they can be initiated early, again increasing the likelihood of success.
Cattle are loaded into the float tank on the farm and then hauled to our large animal facility so the floating process can begin. A typical hospital stay for a down cow is 3-7 days with 1-3 floats until the cow can rise safely on her own without assistance.
If you have any questions about our services or you’d like to schedule an appointment for your barnyard animal, please call us at (920) 894-3414.