Pet Emergencies
Find treatment fast.
At Kiel Veterinary Clinic, we are equipped to see certain veterinary emergencies during our regular hours for current patients. Please call us at (920) 894-3414 prior to your arrival so that we may prepare for you and your pet.
If your pet is not a current patient, experiences an after-hours emergency, requires an overnight observation, or we determine they require a level of specialty care that can be better provided elsewhere, we’ll refer you to the closest specialty care or emergency animal hospital.
In case of an after-hours emergency, please contact:
Blue Pearl Pet Hospital
- Oak Creek (414) 761-6333 (24 hours)
- Fox Valley (920) 993-9193 (24 hours)
- Port Washington (262) 268-7800 (Sun-12pm-Midnight, Mon/Tue-8am-Midnight, Wed/Thur 8am-4pm, Fri/Sat-CLOSED)
Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Center
- Grafton (262) 546-0249 (24 hours)
- Waukesha (262) 542-3241 (24 hours)
- Racine/Kenosha (262) 553-5153 (M, T, Th, Fr-8am-1am, Wed-10am -1am, Sat/Sun-8am-8pm)
Veterinary Emergency Group – Madison
(608)716-3255 (24 hours)
UW Veterinary Care – Madison
(608) 263-7600 (24 hours)
Madison Veterinary Specialists – Madison
(608) 274-7772 (24 hours)
Paw Health Network – Kronenwetter
(715) 693-6934 (24 hours)
Allied Emergency Veterinary Service – Eau Claire
(715) 529-5900 (24 hours)
Urgent Care Only: Countryside Veterinary Services – Appleton
(920) 968-3322 (M-F 12pm-8pm, Sat/Sun-10am-8pm)